
Monday, September 26, 2011

Identity Crisis

My Dad blessed our lives last year by giving us a car for our wedding. It was a wonderful gift and we can never repay him for it.

It is a 2005 Ford Taurus, nothing snazzy, but it runs great and can hold TONS of stuff in its trunk. 

Her name is Tauri (original, I know...).

During the time I had the car up at school before married life it had a California license plate. I was proud of that California license plate. Up here in Idaho you don't see too many and it let people know that I was a California girl! I rocked that license plate.

After our wedding we lived in Utah for a while and needed to get our car registered. It was a sad day for me. I had to rip the California license plates off and stick on the Utah plates. Spence was happy about it. Me, not so much. Tauri went from being a California car to a Utah car.

But we didn't stay long in Utah and now we're back in Idaho going to school.

It's that time of the year again for us to register our car so today we headed down to the DMV to get our car registered. What does that mean??? Idaho license plates! It may not seem like a big deal to all of you, but to me it kinda is. I was sad all over again. Tauri now has gone from California, to Utah, to Idaho plates in about a years length of time. Man, she must be confused!!! Where does she belong???

As we walked out of the DMV, Spence and I looked at each other and Spence said, "Poor Tauri" and at the exact same time (no joke) we said, "She must be going through an identity crisis!" HAHA! It was so funny! We were both thinking the exact same thing.

So Tauri, you are no longer a California car...you are no longer a Utah car...you are now an Idaho car, HOME OF THE FAMOUS POTATOES. Until the next state we move to, that is.

She's been a great car :)

Sorry about the nasty bugs on our dirty car. 
No more Utah car for the Utah boy.


  1. But really the Idaho license plate is a nice one. It's very colorful and best of all it say "Famous Potatoes" Haha! And everyone knows where you live by looking at your plate because in both the 4th and 8th grade we had to memorize all the license plate codes in Idaho History. Why? Because Idaho doesn't have that much history... We had to do something with our time.

  2. For example, the first plate I know is from Boise area (Ada county 1A) and you are from Madison county (1M) which is Rexburg. I'm sure you know that though. I don't know why I'm telling you all this.

  3. Haha! Spence's Dad was just explaining all that to us. For some reason he knows all of the initials also. 1M...Madison County! woohoo!

    p.s. I had a job interview with ArtCo today. Didn't you get your wedding announcements there?

  4. Yes and we bought our Thank you cards by the pound. They are cool ones with a shiny palm tree on the side. If you get a job there we could really use some new stationary!

  5. Haha! Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake... I know the song for the Counties. Jamie, you guys should totally keep all your license plates and do what with them?...I don't know for sure but you could think of something. Welcome to Idaho Tauri!

  6. There's a song! That's awesome :) Currently our CA license plate is up on the wall of Spence's Orem home with all their other old license plates...but it would be fun to do something fun with them. I've seen people make bird houses and use the license plates as the roof. Pretty cute. Maybe I'll give it a try.
